
Right in My Own Backyard - Planting Progress

The next few days are supposed to be wicked hot, so I got out early this morning to get some planting done.    Today the humidex is supposed to be 38º, and this is supposed to keep up until at least Thursday.  As I write this, it's already 27º and it's not even noon yet.  So I better do my gardening work in the mornings.  Yesterday I waited 'til evening which was cool enough but man those mosquitoes; they just love me.  Guess that's what I get for being too sweet for my own damned good.  ;-)

We went to Marlin's Orchard on Sunday and picked up a few plants.  Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and cantaloupe.  They were all out of strawberry plants though, so I had to get those at Canadian Tire.  I've already planted cantaloupe and peppers in the square foot plan, and I've got tomato, pepper and cucumber seeds on the go for the topsy turvy planting; these are just backups in case all this experimenting doesn't work out though.  (Yeah I know, not exactly law of attraction thinking)

So, with the help of my Grandson, ( who I call Ziggy - Zig for short) we laid out more bricks, planted a couple of the cucumber plants, and put the strawberry bag together.   I only bought 3 strawberry plants because they were pretty pricey @ 3.99$  a pop, and most of them looked sick.   And was it ever hard to get the plants into the holes; I honestly thought I was going to rip up all the roots!  I had to move my planter boxes to the inside of the gardening area too.  When I left them outside the fence, did I remember that I have a dog who loves to dig?  OF COURSE NOT!  After that I had to get inside before I turned into one giant mosquito bite.

This morning I got the rest of the cucumber plants in and the 2 tomato plants and 3 hills of cantaloupe.  Honestly, I don't get the whole "hill" thing.  What's that all about?  And man - oh - man if you want to start a cantaloupe business, you'd need one heck of a farm for that because those suckers have to be spaced 48 - 72" apart!  I wonder how that's gonna play out in the square foot plan.  :-??

I still have a few seeds to plant in the rest of the open space:  beets, fennel, green and yellow beans, and some potatoes.   I'll plant the beans in succession so as not to have them all come in at once, and  you'll be able to see in the video how it's all coming along.   I apologize in advance for the crappy camera work -  boy am I ever zoom happy;  I'll have to learn to get that under control.

My Grandson helps out
Farmer Zig in repose
Kiti being nosy
Meet Nosy Josie

3 strawberry plants in hanging bag
3 strawberry plants
Strawberry flower - shows better
in the video
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