Okay, this isn't my first time having a vegetable garden, but I am still quite a novice. Last summer was only the second time I'd tried my hand at gardening. The first time was about 10 yrs ago, so I really don't know all that much about it.
Funnily enough when I first tried gardening, I went into it fully expecting to hate it. I am by no means an outdoor person. I hate the heat, the bugs, and getting dirty. So what made me think I'd like to garden? I don't know, but I loved it. In spite of the heat, the bugs and the dirt, I was actually out there every single day pulling weeds, raking, watering and just standing there admiring the transformation that was taking place. Maybe it's the creative side of me; the idea of something produced by my own hand that let me put all of that "icky" stuff out of my head and just go for it.
That first garden I had was a community garden in which I grew green beans, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, tomatoes (which sprung up out of nowhere - I didn't plant them) and I even managed a few ears of corn! The corn, peppers and broccoli were no great success, but we got a meal out of it. I'll tell you, I never knew what a green bean tasted like until I ate one from my own garden; or any other vegetable for that matter!
So, last summer I decided I wanted to take up gardening again, and I had quite a nice, little space. It was probably about 8' x 6' in which I planted green beans - my faves - beefsteak and cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and get this: blue potatoes! I mean blue all the way through; not just the skin. I'd never heard of anything like that in my life. I've since found out that there are red potatoes too. Naturally, I'll have to make a patriotic potato salad this summer. Anyhow, last year's garden turned out quite well. I was really pleased. So much so that at the end of the last season I decided to expand my garden to 9' x 24'. My ideas of what I was going to do with my plot this summer have changed. I've been doing a little research and I'm going to experiment with some new ideas - well new to me anyway, and good or bad, I'll be posting it here for the world to see. So, let's see what comes of it.
From blossom to fruit |
Cherry tomato blossoms
And here they are beginning to ripen | My first little harvest |
My first bell pepper - Blue potato blossom
they were supposed to be red,
but never quite made it
they were supposed to be red,
but never quite made it
Hyssop | Lavender |
Habañero plant - Supposedly 10 times hotter than jalepeño, but I can't testify to that since I don't go for hot stuff | These little berry - like things grew on the potato plants Apparently, they're toxic from what I could find out |
My garden at night | Trying to show how my solar lights change colour |
Great job sweetie; it looks very professional